The WVSD District Office staff is available to help parents navigate District processes and procedures.
West Valley School District provides nursing staff to assist with the care and oversight of our students’ health. Our nursing staff maintain student health records, manage medical and emergency care plans for students, and ensure compliance with all health and safety requirements from the Yakima Health District. If your student has a serious health condition or requires medication of special accommodation, please contact our nursing staff to prepare the proper documentation and guidance. Check our staff directory for a full list of our nursing staff at each school. All medical forms are available in our Resource Library.
In order to safeguard the school community from the spread of certain communicable diseases and in recognition that prevention is a means of combating the spread of the disease, Washington State Law (RCW28.A31.118) and West Valley School District Policy 3415, require that your child be properly immunized in order to attend school.
As of August 1, 2020, before a child may attend school, families must provide proof of the required immunizations or immunity. Students who are behind on required immunizations will need to be in compliance before scheduled in-person learning begins.
It is important for families to check (via the link below) their student’s status. Please look at the different options on the forms below of how to provide the schools with the necessary requirements.
Parents and guardians can view their children’s immunizations online and print a pre-populated Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) at
If you are not sure if your child is up to date with their immunizations, please contact your doctor’s office.
If your child is out of compliance, they will not be allowed to enter school until they meet state requirements or can show proof of initiating a schedule of immunization.
In accordance with District Policy and Washington State Law, the West Valley School District must make information available on Meningococcal and Human Papillomavirus diseases to parents or guardians of all students entering Grades 6-12. Please refer to our resource Library to learn more about these diseases and prevention.
Washington State Law (RCW 28A.210.320) and West Valley School District Policy 3415 require that schools must have an emergency care plan in place for every child who has a life-threatening condition.
This allows the school to be prepared to help a student if there is an emergency due to his or her medical condition.
If a student has asthma or a severe allergy which requires emergency medication, such as an inhaler or Epipen, an emergency care plan must be completed. Other examples of life-threatening conditions that require an emergency care plan are diabetes, seizures, or certain heart conditions.
In order for the school to accept medication, a doctor’s order must be in place.
All emergency care plans, doctor's orders, and medication MUST be in place before the first day of school. Please contact your school nurse if you have any questions.
It is important for our families to know that there is a District contact person to assist with student health and wellness issues.
If you have questions or concerns regarding student health and wellness at the school level, please contact the health staff at your student's school. Check our staff directory for a full list of our nursing staff at each school. If you have questions or concerns at the District level, please contact:
Alyssa Kidder, District Health and Wellness Coordinator
(509) 972-5629