Between Oct. 1 and Nov. 29, 2024, students in all grade levels may be referred for possible identification of services for the Highly Capable Program. Click here for more information.
Section 504 is a civil rights law under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that can assist students with disabilities who do not qualify for specially-designed instruction under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Section 504 is a civil rights law under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that can assist students with disabilities who do not qualify for specially-designed instruction under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. A student who qualifies for specially-designed instruction will have an Individual Education Program (IEP). For more information about IEP services, see our website for Special Education programs.
If your child has a disability or a suspected disability that might interfere with their opportunity to reach academic goals, accommodations can be provided through a student 504 plan. Contact the Section 504 Plan Coordinator at your child’s school for more information.
After a brief evaluation to determine eligibility, the 504 team consisting of the school administrator, the school counselor, your child’s teacher(s), and parent/guardian will brainstorm accommodations that might be needed so that your child can access the learning environment and benefit from their education. The goal of Section 504 is to level the playing field. Plans are reviewed annually and can be amended by the team at any time.
Please contact the 504 Coordinator to set up an appointment:
Ahtanum Valley: Jocelyn Tipton
Apple Valley: Meghan Alderson
Cottonwood: Jodi Bailey
Mountainview: Stacey De Wet
Summitview: Trisha Whitehead
Middle Level Campus: Laurie Haubrick
Innovation Center: Jessica Stewart
High School: Liliana Nuñez-Benitez
District 405 Compliance Officer: Stacey Drake