We strive to provide children preschool through 3rd grade with access to high-quality instruction, family engagement, and other supports related to physical, academic, and emotional well-being.

Early Learning Workshops

Early Learning Workshops are open to any community member and any staff member who would like to expand their professional learning. Topics are chosen by the P-3 Leadership Team. Workshops are held in the evening, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, at Wide Hollow Elementary. In the 2023/24 school year, the workshops will be held on the following Thursdays: Oct. 17, 2024, Feb. 20, 2025, and April 17, 2025.

Registration form for Thurs, Oct. 17, 2024 Workshop (form in English): (coming soon)

Registration form for Thurs, Oct. 17, 2024 Workshop (form in Spanish): (coming soon)

Play and Learn

Are you a parent or a caregiver of a child between the ages of one and five years old? If so, join bilingual educators and meet other families in the community every Friday. You and your child will learn how to use fun playtime activities to build connections and learn new skills.

Play and Learn is available at every elementary school, but, registration is required so that staff members can plan for the sessions. Contact our Family Engagement Coordinator, Minerva Pardo, for more information about Play and Learn.

Click on this link to register for a session: Play and Learn

We can’t wait to see you there!

Preschool and Kindergarten

While Washington State provides funding for full-day Kindergarten, the state does not provide universal funding for preschool. West Valley provides a variety of preschool options. In addition, the District has community partners that provide preschool onsite and in community-based preschool classrooms. Contact our Family Engagement Specialist, Jose Carlos Pizano Ruiz, for eligibility requirements for in-district preschool options.

Click here for in-district preschool information: Preschool

Click here for community-based preschool: West Valley Early Learning Official Partners

P-3 Collaboration

West Valley has received state and national recognition for our efforts to collaborate with community-based organizations to support families with young children from birth-to-age-5. Staff and community members work for alignment of instructional practices and family engagement practices from preschool to Grade 3; this is known P-3 collaboration and alignment. Contact our Assistant Superintendent, Stacey Drake, for more information about our early learning initiative and P-3 collaboration.

Click here for P-3 frameworks: West Valley Early Learning Resources

Imagination Library - FREE Books for Early Learning

All families in Washington State with children ages Birth-to-5 are eligible to receive free books mailed to their home once a month.

Click here for more information: Imagination Library