Cottonwood Elementary uses the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) teaching PAWS to students
Apr 26, 2023
Cottonwood Elementary uses Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS is an evidence-based, tiered framework that supports students’ behavioral, academic, social and emotional needs. By using PBIS, Cottonwood has a shared vision for a positive school culture.
It's customary that students are taught the appropriate behaviors for each setting within our schools. At Cottonwood Elementary, they call this teaching PAWS which stands for: Positive Attitude, Accepting Responsibility, Work Hard and Show Respect behavior.
Cottonwood Elementary staff teaches PAWS Behavior not only for the classroom, but for the bathrooms, cafeteria, hallway, and the playground. When students are demonstrating PAWS behavior they are rewarded in many different ways. Sometimes they get PAW Bucks that they can use to purchase items from their grade level PAWS Store and/or they get to add to their classroom ‘paw’ for an activity that they have all voted on. The have ranged from pajama day to pie throwing. Whatever the activity, is it is always a lot of fun for everyone involved.
Principal Michelle Siguenza says, "These classroom activities are the BEST, and my favorite is Lunch with the Principal."

It's customary that students are taught the appropriate behaviors for each setting within our schools. We call this teaching PAWS which stands for: Positive Attitude, Accepting Responsibility, Work Hard and Show Respect behavior.
Our Cottonwood Elementary staff teaches PAWS Behavior not only for the classroom, but for the bathrooms, cafeteria, hallway, and the playground. When students are demonstrating PAWS behavior they are rewarded in many different ways. Sometimes they get PAW Bucks that they can use to purchase items from their grade level PAWS Store and/or they get to add to their classroom ‘paw’ for an activity that they have all voted on. Whatever the activity, is it is always a lot of fun for everyone involved.
Principal Michelle Siguenza says, "These classroom activities are the BEST, and my favorite is Lunch with the Principal."