Cottonwood Elementary Third Graders Native American Project
Jun 6, 2023
Each year, the 3rd graders at Cottonwood Elementary host a Potlatch for their families. What is a Potlatch you may ask? In Native American culture, more specific to the Northwest Coastal Native Americans, it is a ceremonial feast where possessions are given away or destroyed to signify wealth and generosity with the hope of reciprocity. Today's Potlatches are often held to honor the passing of an elder within the Native Community.
Before the annual Potlatch is held, Cottonwood Elementary 3rd grade teachers, Mrs. Bersing, Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Young lead their students through an intergraded Social Studies and English Language Arts Native American Project. The Native American Project ties in research skills, communication skills, social skills, writing, speaking and art.
One goal of the project is to show how the environment shapes and enhances people’s culture, and that cultures change their environment. The main goal is to honor the Native American tribes and cultural contributions as well as an opportunity for students to showcase their research projects at the Potlatch for their families to enjoy!

Each year, the 3rd graders at Cottonwood Elementary host a Potlatch for their families. What is a Potlatch you may ask? In Native American culture, more specific to the Northwest Coastal Native Americans, it is a ceremonial feast where possessions are given away or destroyed to signify wealth and generosity with the hope of reciprocity. Today's Potlatches are often held to honor the passing of an elder within the Native Community.
Before the annual Potlatch is held, Cottonwood Elementary 3rd grade teachers, Mrs. Bersing, Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Young lead their students through an intergraded Social Studies and English Language Arts Native American Project. The Native American Project ties in research skills, communication skills, social skills, writing, speaking and art.
One goal of the project is to show how the environment shapes and enhances people’s culture, and that cultures change their environment. The main goal is to honor the Native American tribes and cultural contributions as well as an opportunity for students to showcase their research and projects at the Potlatch for their families.
The term 'Potlatch' originates from the Nootka Indian word meaning 'gift.'